
IET, Inc.
3539 Glendale Ave
Toledo, Ohio 43614

Case Study 1-10811

Achieving launch success through effective process and facility planning.

IET provided industrial engineering leadership and support to develop launch plans that showed how to make it happen.

The Customer

A leading international automotive supplier of interior systems to OEM’s around the world

The Challenge

New programs were posing some particularly challenging issues related to floor space. A molding / assembly facility was introducing new processes as part of the launch. This created the need to run both the current and new processes at the same time while the new process was qualified. Additional production floor space in an already overcrowded facility was required during the cross-over time period. At another facility, which assembled interior systems in-sequence to the OEM, two very different cockpits had to be integrated on the same sequential build line along with the necessary component storage for two unique models instead of one. The customer needed someone to take ownership of material storage and plant layout issues for both facilities.

The Solution

The customer’s launch manager selected IET to provide industrial engineering leadership as part of the site engineering team. IET guided facility-based engineers in executing the necessary tasks of data collection and validation, model integration, line balancing, part presentation, material storage analysis and plant layout.

In four weeks, IET presented a detailed layout for the molding / assembly facility that proved new programs could be accommodated with a brief, temporary use of external warehousing. This approach maintained all production resources in the current facility during the transition. In the sequencing facility, IET provided an analytical roadmap for developing an overall facility layout that could produce two very different cockpits in broadcast sequence. IET worked alongside the site engineering team throughout the process to ensure the resulting plan was thorough and accurate.

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